The need for sleep

Just when we think we’ve got this sleep thing under control, December comes along. Spending 10 days at my mother’s with the kids in mid-December really put us off track. No regular outdoor play, no afternoon naps, and late bedtimes, led me to lying down with our toddler until she fell asleep. Normally, we put her in her crib say goodnight send close the door. So since then she expects me to continue this new routine.

We’ve experienced this before and it was easy to remedy since we got back to our regular routine. But we got back and it was Christmas the next week. We schlepped the kids to eastern Ontario then southern Ontario, and back to Toronto in three days. This parade was followed by a switch to a big girl bed and then a new years eve party.

Our baby was also affected. He was normally asleep by midnight and out until 8am. Now things have shifted to 2am to 11am schedule. At least I get to sleep in.

My strategy will be to make the good dark and quiet after 8pm, and loud and bright during the day. Also, I won’t be putting our daughter to sleep any more anytime soon. Sorry, hubby is going to have to come home to a fight every night for a while. She’s needs to be weaned off Mama.

It’s too easy for me to give in to her demands to lie down besides her until she sleeps. Especially nope with her twin bed. I get to cuddle with her (and Elmo) and sneak in a nap. It is nice to have that one-on-one time. But it’s nicer when it is a choice on my part and not a everyday thing. I am sure Papa is enjoying this time with her even if she’s screaming for me the whole time.

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