Cloth or disposible diapers

With our daughter we used Comfy Cotton diaper service and loved it. What an easy way to use cotton diapers. They pick up dirty diapers and drop off clean diapers once a week. I bought Bummis diaper covers from them at first (best price) and other stores when I saw them because I could resist the patterns.

Bummis have a number of products to chose from. They are easy to use as well. Just fold the diaper into thirds and tuck it into the cover. And it velcros closed. They come in four sizes. The patterns are cute. My favourite diaper cover is the Bummis Original. Because it’s so thin, it seems more comfortable than the others. They are easy to wash, just throw them in the laundry. The best part is the covers double as a swim diaper. Most pools now don’t allow regular diapers in the pool and the disposable swim diapers cost a fortune.

We liked cotton diapers because they seemed just as simple as disposable and they were better for the environment and our child’s bum. They breathe better and she almost never got diaper rash. The best part was you didn’t have run out in the middle of the night because you ran out of diapers.

Comfy Cotton’s service is great. They deliver more than enough diapers. They have diaper pails with carbon filters for sale (about $25) to trap the stinky ones. There’s no need to rinse or wash the diapers. And it’s cheaper than disposibles – 70 for $17.

We’ve been using disposibles with our daughter since she went to a babysitter full-time. And just continued to do so with the new one. But I need to decide if I want to make the switch. I don’t know why this is such a hard decision.

My two concerns are;

  1. there’s barely room for this baby, let alone another diaper pail.
  2. I don’t want to carry around dirty diapers when I am out and about. Disposibles definitely have the upper hand there.

It would be easier for potty training our daughter. Cotton diapers don’t have the dry wicking factor disposibles do, so she would feel when she’s wet immediately. But I think for her I would just buy some diapers from Comfy Cotton and continue to use disposibles when she goes to the babysitter.

Ok, I am going to call them. It’s such a great service and Frankly, I’d rather give my money to a local business than Huggies.

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